Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Advanced engineering mathematics EEEE3107 Module
Analogue electronics EEEE3102 Module
Applied Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Construction Project EEEE1039 Module
Business Planning for Engineers EEEE3057 Module
Business Planning for Engineers H63BPE Module
Contemporary Engineering Themes A EEEE1045 Module
Contemporary Engineering Themes B EEEE2068 Module
Control Systems Design EEEE3066 Module
Control Systems Design H63CSD Module
Design and Implementation of Engineering Software EEEE2067 Module
Digital Communications EEEE3069 Module
Digital Communications H63DCM Module
Digital VLSI Design EEEE3125 Module
Electrical Energy Conditioning and Control EEEE2056 Module
Electrical Engineering Design Project H62EDQ Module
Electrical Engineering Design Project EEEE2040 Module
Electrical Machines H63EMA Module
Electrical Machines EEEE3063 Module
Electrical machines, drive systems and applications EEEE3104 Module
Electronic Construction Project EEEE2035 Module
Electronic Construction Project H62ECP Module
Electronic Design H63END Module
Electronic Design EEEE3058 Module
Electronic Engineering EEEE2041 Module
Electronic Engineering H62ELD Module
Electronic Processing and Communications EEEE2057 Module
Electronic Systems Group Design Project EEEE2075 Module
Embedded Computing EEEE3070 Module
Embedded Computing H63ECH Module
Energy Conditioning Group Design Project EEEE2074 Module
Energy Conversion for Motor and Generator Drives EEEE3062 Module
Energy Conversion for Motor and Generator Drives H63EDR Module
Engineering Mathematics EEEE1037 Module
Engineering Mathematics 1 MATH1025 Module
Engineering Mathematics 1 HG1M11 Module
Engineering Mathematics 2 HG1M12 Module
Engineering Mathematics 2 MATH1026 Module
Engineering Software: Design and Implemenation H63ESD Module
Engineering Software: Design and Implemenation EEEE3071 Module
Fields Waves and Antennas EEEE3067 Module
Fields Waves and Antennas H63FWA Module
Information and Systems EEEE1036 Module
Internet of Things (IoT) EEEE3124 Module
Introduction to Circuits H61ICT Module
Introduction to Circuits EEEE1025 Module
Introduction to Circuits and Fields H61SCP Module
Introduction to Circuits and Fields EEEE1023 Module
Introduction to Communication Engineering EEEE1017 Module
Introduction to Communication Engineering H61ICM Module
Introduction to Computer Engineering EEEE1018 Module
Introduction to Computer Engineering H61ICP Module
Introduction to Electrical and Electronic Engineering EH1IEE Module
Introduction to Electrical Engineering EEEE1020 Module
Introduction to Electrical Engineering H61IAL Module
Introduction to Electronic Engineering EEEE1021 Module
Introduction to Electronic Engineering H61IIC Module
Introduction to real-time system H61RTS Module
Introduction to real-time system EEEE1019 Module
Introduction to Software Engineering and Programming EEEE1044 Module
IT Infrastructure EEEE3072 Module
IT Infrastructure H63ITI Module
Laboratory and Presentation Skills A H61LSA Module
Laboratory and Presentation Skills A EEEE1022 Module
Laboratory and Presentation Skills B H61LSB Module
Laboratory and Presentation Skills B EEEE1024 Module
Mathematical Techniques for Electrical and Electronic Engineers 1 HG2ME1 Module
Mathematical Techniques for Electrical and Electronic Engineers 1 MATH2026 Module
Mathematical Techniques for Electrical and Electronic Engineers 2 HG2ME2 Module
Mathematical Techniques for Electrical and Electronic Engineers 2 MATHHG2ME2 Module
Mechatronics Third Year Project EEEE3078 Module
Mechatronics Third Year Project H63TYP Module
Microwave Communications EEEE3074 Module
Microwave Communications H63MCM Module
Mobile technologies EEEE3109 Module
Modelling: Methods and Tools EEEE2058 Module
Neural Networks EEEE3077 Module
Neural Networks H63NEN Module
Power and Energy EEEE1035 Module
Power electronic applications and control EEEE3103 Module
Power Electronic Design EEEE3064 Module
Power Electronic Design H63PED Module
Power Networks H63PNW Module
Power Networks EEEE3065 Module
Power Supply Electronics EEEE2036 Module
Power Supply Electronics H62PSE Module
Professional Skills for Electrical & Electronic Engineers H62BPA Module
Professional Skills for Electrical & Electronic Engineers EEEE2039 Module
Professional studies EEEE3101 Module
Renewable Generation Technologies EEEE3123 Module
RF Microelectronics EEEE4104 Module
Robotics, Dynamics and Control EEEE3076 Module
Sensing systems and signal processing EEEE3110 Module
Signal Processing and Control Engineering H62SPC Module
Signal Processing and Control Engineering EEEE2038 Module
Software Engineering Design EEEE2037 Module
Software Engineering Design H62SED Module
Solid State Devices EEEE3126 Module
Solid State Devices EEEE3059 Module
Solid State Devices H63SSD Module
Telecommunication Electronics EEEE3060 Module
Telecommunication Electronics H63TCE Module
Telecommunications EEEE2042 Module
Telecommunications H62TLC Module
Third Year Project H53PJ3 Module
Third Year Project EEEE3056 Module
VLSI Design EEEE3061 Module
VLSI Design H63VLS Module
Web Based Computing H63JAV Module
Web Based Computing EEEE3073 Module

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