Browse School

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Accounting Analytics BUSI4359 Module
Accounting Information Systems BUSI2111 Module
Accounting Information Systems P12130 Module
Accounting Internship BUSI4362 Module
Accounting Project BUSI4358 Module
Advanced Calculus for Business, Economics and Finance BUSI3119 Module
Advanced Calculus for Business, Economics and Finance P13BEF Module
Advanced Corporate Reporting and Analysis BUSI3191 Module
Advanced Database Management BUSI3210 Module
Advanced Financial Reporting P13605 Module
Advanced Financial Reporting BUSI3104 Module
Advanced Management Accounting BUSI3192 Module
Advanced Techniques for Supply Chain Management BUSI4610 Module
Advertising, The Media and Marketing Communications P13322 Module
Advertising, The Media and Marketing Communications BUSI3114 Module
Analysing Organisations BUSI2128 Module
Analysing Organisations P12ANO Module
Analytics Specializations and Applications BUSI4392 Module
Applied Econometrics BUSI3110 Module
Applied Econometrics P13702 Module
Applied Marketing Project BUSI4387 Module
Applied Supply Chain Management Project BUSI4614 Module
Assurance BUSI4367 Module
Audit and Internal Control BUSI4364 Module
Auditing, Governance and Scandals P13505 Module
Auditing, Governance and Scandals BUSI3103 Module
Big Data Marketing BUSI3211 Module
Blockchain and Cryptocurrency BUSI4659 Module
Brand Management BUSI3146 Module
Business and Society in Contemporary Europe P11701 Module
Business and Society in Contemporary Europe BUSI1068 Module
Business Economics BUSI1114 Module
Business Economics BUSI1089 Module
Business Economics P11607 Module
Business Economics BUSI4541 Module
Business Ethics P13601 Module
Business Ethics BUSI3102 Module
Business Ethics and Sustainability BUSI3189 Module
Business Finance P11605 Module
Business Finance BUSI1070 Module
Business Law BUSI1112 Module
Business Law A BUSI1078 Module
Business Law A P11120 Module
Business Law B BUSI1079 Module
Business Law B P11121 Module
Business Operations Analytics BUSI2193 Module
Business Planning: Taxation BUSI4360 Module
Business Research BUSI4521 Module
Business School Dissertation BUSI3088 Module
Business School Dissertation P13311 Module
Business to Business Marketing BUSI4385 Module
Capital Market Analysis P14091 Module
Capital Market Analysis BUSI4535 Module
Capital Market Analysis BUSI4308 Module
Capstone Project BUSI3209 Module
China and the World Trade Organisation P13608 Module
China and the World Trade Organisation BUSI3111 Module
Computational Finance BUSI2113 Module
Computational Finance P12614 Module
Computers in Business BUSI1067 Module
Computers in Business P11101 Module
Consumer Behaviour P13701 Module
Consumer Behaviour BUSI3112 Module
Consumer Behaviour and Analytics BUSI4379 Module
Contemporary Issues in Accounting BUSI4363 Module
Contemporary Supply Chain Management: Fundamentals and Challenges BUSI4607 Module
Corporate Entrepreneurship P12001 Module
Corporate Entrepreneurship BUSI2120 Module
Corporate Finance BUSI4543 Module
Corporate Finance BUSI3089 Module
Corporate Finance BUSI4321 Module
Corporate Finance P14129 Module
Corporate Finance P13306 Module
Corporate Finance BUSI2156 Module
Corporate Governance P14104 Module
Corporate Restructuring and Governance P13607 Module
Corporate Restructuring and Governance BUSI3101 Module
Corporate Strategy P14105 Module
Corporate Strategy BUSI4313 Module
Critical Marketing BUSI4383 Module
Cross Cultural Management of People and Organisations BUSI4345 Module
Cross Cultural Management of People and Organisations P14CCM Module
Cross-cultural Management BUSI4523 Module
Data Analytics and Machine Learning for FinTech BUSI4687 Module
Data at Scale: Management, Processing and Visualization BUSI4389 Module
Data Driven Dissertation Project in Business Analytics BUSI4394 Module
Database Design and Implementation BUSI2118 Module
Database Design and Implementation P12503 Module
Derivative Investment P14090 Module
Derivative Investment BUSI4309 Module
Derivative Investment BUSI4536 Module
Derivatives P13DER Module
Derivatives BUSI3123 Module
Designing and Managing Organisations P12617 Module
Designing and Managing Organisations BUSI2119 Module
Digital Marketing BUSI4398 Module
Digital Marketing BUSI3145 Module
Dissertation: International Business BUSI4325 Module
Dissertation: International Business P14B20 Module
Doing Business in China A P12618 Module
Doing Business in China A BUSI2122 Module
Doing Business in China B BUSI2123 Module
Doing Business in China B P12619 Module
E-Business BUSI4547 Module
E-Business P14B41 Module
E-Business BUSI4339 Module
Economic Development in Asia BUSI2102 Module
Economic Development in Asia P12610 Module
Economic Principles BUSI1115 Module
Economics of Business Decisions P12604 Module
Economics of Business Decisions BUSI2104 Module
Economics of Innovation BUSI2115 Module
Economics of Innovation P12612 Module
Economics of Organisation P12613 Module
Economics of Organisation BUSI2116 Module
Economics of Pricing and Decision Making BUSI2117 Module
Economics of Pricing and Decision Making P12445 Module
Economics of Regulation BUSI3108 Module
Economics of Regulation P13428 Module
Economics of Regulation and Public Choice BUSI3196 Module
Enterprise Digitalisation and Transformation BUSI3212 Module
Entrepreneurial Creativity BUSI4545 Module
Entrepreneurial Finance and Accounting P14T26 Module
Entrepreneurial Finance and Accounting BUSI4329 Module
Entrepreneurial Management P14T27 Module
Entrepreneurial Management BUSI3213 Module
Entrepreneurial Management BUSI4330 Module
Entrepreneurship and Business BUSI1077 Module
Entrepreneurship and Business P11440 Module
Entrepreneurship and Creativity BUSI4328 Module
Entrepreneurship and Creativity P14T24 Module
Entrepreneurship Business Plan BUSI4331 Module
Entrepreneurship Business Plan P14T17 Module
Entrepreneurship Dissertation BUSI4337 Module
Entrepreneurship Dissertation P14T33 Module
Entrepreneurship Dissertation P14T10 Module
Entrepreneurship in Context BUSI4524 Module
Entrepreneurship in Greater China P14T31 Module
Entrepreneurship in Greater China BUSI4338 Module
Entrepreneurship Project BUSI4336 Module
Entrepreneurship Project P14T28 Module
Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice BUSI1116 Module
Essentials of International Marketing BUSI4596 Module
Essentials of International Marketing BUSI4324 Module
Essentials of International Marketing P14B46 Module
Finance & Investment Dissertation P14031 Module
Finance & Investment Dissertation BUSI4304 Module
Financial Accounting P11123 Module
Financial Accounting BUSI1076 Module
Financial Accounting and Reporting BUSI4365 Module
Financial Analysis P13301 Module
Financial Analysis BUSI3091 Module
Financial Economics BUSI3106 Module
Financial Economics P13604 Module
Financial Management P12403 Module
Financial Management BUSI2106 Module
Financial Markets P13302 Module
Financial Markets BUSI3090 Module
Financial Markets and Instruments BUSI4685 Module
Financial Markets: Theory & Computation BUSI3190 Module
Financial Reporting P12307 Module
Financial Reporting BUSI2108 Module
Financial Reporting BUSI4534 Module
Financial Reporting P14080 Module
Financial Reporting BUSI4306 Module
Financial Technology BUSI4606 Module
Financial Technology Business Project BUSI4689 Module
Financial Technology Dissertation BUSI4688 Module
FinTech Regulation and Data Protection BUSI4658 Module
Firm Strategy and Internationalisation BUSI2183 Module
Fixed Income Investments BUSI2192 Module
Fixed Interest Investment P14092 Module
Fixed Interest Investment BUSI4310 Module
Fixed Interest Investment BUSI4537 Module
Foundational Business Analytics BUSI4390 Module
Fundamentals of Financial & Management Accounting BUSI1113 Module
Further Qualitative Research Methods BUSI4538 Module
Further Qualitative Research Methods P14123 Module
Further Qualitative Research Methods BUSI4311 Module
Further Quantitative Research Methods BUSI4305 Module
Further Quantitative Research Methods BUSI4533 Module
Further Quantitative Research Methods P14122 Module
Globalisation and Innovation in China BUSI3195 Module
Hidden Champions and International New Ventures BUSI2195 Module
How to Do Business in China P12BIC Module
Human Resource Management P12425 Module
Human Resource Management BUSI2126 Module
Human Resource Management I P13425 Module
Human Resource Management I BUSI3096 Module
Human Resource Management II BUSI3097 Module
Human Resource Management II P13426 Module
Human Resource Management with International Perspectives BUSI2179 Module
Humanistic Philosophy in Modern Business BUSI1091 Module
Individual Difference and Teamwork BUSI2196 Module
Industrial Economics A: Structure, Competition and Performance P13444 Module
Industrial Economics A: Structure, Competition and Performance BUSI3107 Module
Industrial Economics B: Games and Strategies BUSI3109 Module
Industrial Economics B: Games and Strategies P13318 Module
Industrial Economics I: Economics of Organisation and Innovation BUSI2180 Module
Industrial Economics II: Economics of Pricing and Decision Making BUSI2182 Module
Industrial Economics III: Market Structure and Competition Policy BUSI3193 Module
Industrial Economics IV: Games and Strategies BUSI3197 Module
Industry Project_Autumn BUSI2199 Module
Industry Project_Spring BUSI2200 Module
Innovation Management P14B51 Module
Innovation Management BUSI4335 Module
Intermediate Corporate Reporting BUSI2158 Module
International Accounting P14B28 Module
International Accounting BUSI4317 Module
International Alliances BUSI3198 Module
International Business Environment BUSI4377 Module
International Business Environment BUSI4319 Module
International Business Environment P14B44 Module
International Business Environment and Strategy BUSI3194 Module
International Business Environment I BUSI3100 Module
International Business Environment I P13KL8 Module
International Business Environment II P13KL9 Module
International Business Environment II BUSI3099 Module
International Business Strategy BUSI4597 Module
International Business Strategy BUSI4320 Module
International Business Strategy BUSI4542 Module
International Business Strategy I P13KL1 Module
International Business Strategy I BUSI3093 Module
International Business Strategy II P13KL2 Module
International Business Strategy II BUSI3092 Module
International Economics BUSI3204 Module
International Finance P14093 Module
International Finance P13313 Module
International Finance BUSI3087 Module
International Finance BUSI4314 Module
International Marketing BUSI4380 Module
International Symposium on Supply Chain Management BUSI4612 Module
International Taxation BUSI4629 Module
Introduction to Accounting BUSI1122 Module
Introduction to Business & Management X10FC4 Module
Introduction to Business & Management CELEN041 Module
Introduction to Business Economics CELEN042 Module
Introduction to Business Economics X10FC7 Module
Introduction to Business Operations BUSI2109 Module
Introduction to Business Operations P12814 Module
Introduction to Business Programming BUSI2189 Module
Introduction to Data Science: Big Data Analytics in Business P13IDS Module
Introduction to Data Science: Big Data Analytics in Business BUSI3122 Module
Introduction to Economics BUSI1117 Module
Introduction to Information Technology CELEF002 Module
Introduction to Information Technology X10FC3 Module
Introduction to Intellectual Property Law & Innovation BUSI4630 Module
Introduction to Management Science for Business Decisions P12801 Module
Introduction to Management Science for Business Decisions BUSI2124 Module
Introduction to Modelling and Simulations BUSI2194 Module
Introduction to Research Methods P14136 Module
Introduction to Research Methods BUSI4323 Module
Introductory Econometrics BUSI2107 Module
Introductory Econometrics P12205 Module
Issues in Contemporary Leadership BUSI3144 Module
Launching New Ventures BUSI4334 Module
Launching New Ventures BUSI4546 Module
Launching New Ventures P14T29 Module
Leading Big Data Business Projects BUSI4393 Module
Logistics and Supply Chain Management BUSI3115 Module
Logistics and Supply Chain Management P13806 Module
Machine Learning and Predictive Analytics BUSI4391 Module
Macroeconomic Growth, Cycles and Policy BUSI2197 Module
Macroeconomics for Business P11114 Module
Macroeconomics for Business BUSI1081 Module
Management Accounting BUSI2157 Module
Management Accounting and Decisions I BUSI1075 Module
Management Accounting and Decisions I P11126 Module
Management Accounting and Decisions II P12405 Module
Management Accounting and Decisions II BUSI2110 Module
Management Accounting and Decisions III P13414 Module
Management Accounting and Decisions III BUSI3094 Module
Management Accounting and Decisions IV BUSI3105 Module
Management Accounting and Decisions IV P13606 Module
Management Dissertation BUSI4303 Module
Management Dissertation P14018 Module
Management of Innovation BUSI4647 Module
Management of Quality P13807 Module
Management of Quality BUSI3116 Module
Management Project BUSI4648 Module
Management Science for Supply Chain Management BUSI4611 Module
Management Strategy P12616 Module
Management Strategy BUSI2112 Module
Managerial Economics P14082 Module
Managerial Economics BUSI4307 Module
Managing Across Cultures P12MAC Module
Managing Across Cultures BUSI2129 Module
Managing and Marketing Tourism P12502 Module
Managing and Marketing Tourism BUSI2121 Module
Managing Headquarters Subsidiary Relationships BUSI3199 Module
Managing Innovation in Entrepreneurial Organisations BUSI4604 Module
Managing International Business in China BUSI4326 Module
Managing International Business in China PT4116 Module
Managing International Business in China BUSI4544 Module
Managing Operations in the Digital Enterprise BUSI1085 Module
Managing Operations in the Digital Enterprise P11801 Module
Managing Organisations (MSc) BUSI4316 Module
Managing Organisations (MSc) P14B29 Module
Managing People BUSI4598 Module
Managing People & Organisations P14135 Module
Managing People & Organisations BUSI4322 Module
Managing People and Organisations P14MPO Module
Managing People and Organisations BUSI4341 Module
Managing the Marketing Mix BUSIP12415 Module
Managing the Marketing Mix P12415 Module
Marketing Analytics BUSI2131 Module
Marketing and Society P13501 Module
Marketing and Society BUSI3117 Module
Marketing Dissertation BUSI4386 Module
Marketing for Entrepreneurial Firms P14T25 Module
Marketing for Entrepreneurial Firms BUSI4333 Module
Marketing for Entrepreneurs P14G08 Module
Marketing Management BUSI2178 Module
Marketing Management P12412 Module
Marketing Management BUSI2130 Module
Marketing Management in the Digital Economy BUSI4376 Module
Marketing Services P13449 Module
Marketing Services BUSI3118 Module
Marketing Strategy BUSIP12407 Module
Marketing Strategy P12407 Module
Marketing Strategy BUSI4378 Module
Microeconomics for Business BUSI1118 Module
Microeconomics for Business A BUSI1069 Module
Microeconomics for Business A P11606 Module
Microeconomics for Business B1 BUSI1080 Module
Microeconomics for Business B1 P11115 Module
New Product/Service Development and Management BUSI4381 Module
New Venture Creation P11601 Module
New Venture Creation BUSI1084 Module
Operations and Supply Chain Strategy and Practice BUSI4401 Module
Organisation and People Development DEP01 Department
Organisational Behaviour BUSI1086 Module
Organising and Managing in Practice BUSI2103 Module
Organising and Managing in Practice P12606 Module
People and Organisations P11603 Module
People and Organisations BUSI1071 Module
Performance Management and compensation BUSI3214 Module
Principles of Accounting BUSI4595 Module
Principles of Banking BUSI4586 Module
Principles of Econometrics BUSI2187 Module
Principles of Financial Modelling and Programming BUSI2198 Module
Principles of Marketing BUSI1130 Module
Principles of Taxation BUSI2140 Module
Principles of Taxation BUSI4366 Module
Procurement and Purchasing BUSI4613 Module
Programming for FinTech BUSI4686 Module
Project Management P14C15 Module
Project Management BUSI4548 Module
Project Management BUSI4342 Module
Public Economics BUSI3113 Module
Public Economics P13035 Module
Quantitative Analysis for Business BUSI1087 Module
Quantitative Methods 1b P11127 Module
Quantitative Methods 1b BUSI1074 Module
Quantitative Methods 2A BUSI2105 Module
Quantitative Methods 2A P12406 Module
Quantitative Research Methods for Finance and Investment BUSI4528 Module
Research Methods (MSc) BUSI4318 Module
Research Methods (MSc) P14B27 Module
Research Methods for Management Studies BUSI4529 Module
Research Methods in Marketing BUSI4530 Module
Social Entrepreneurship BUSI4340 Module
Social Entrepreneurship P14M75 Module
Stochastic Calculus and Numerical Analysis BUSI3124 Module
Strategic Entrepreneurial Growth BUSI4605 Module
Strategic Human Resource Management BUSI4312 Module
Strategic Human Resource Management P14114 Module
Strategic Innovation Management BUSI3120 Module
Strategic Management I P13410 Module
Strategic Management I BUSI3098 Module
Strategic Management II BUSI3095 Module
Strategic Management II P13418 Module
Strategic management: Analysis and applications BUSI4539 Module
Strategic Management: Content and Analysis BUSI2127 Module
Strategic Management: Content and Analysis P12410 Module
Strategic Management: Perspective, Process and Practice BUSI3188 Module
Strategies for Corporate Social Responsibility BUSI4549 Module
Studying Organisations BUSI1072 Module
Studying Organisations P11602 Module
Supply Chain Finance BUSI4609 Module
Supply Chain Management Dissertation BUSI4615 Module
Supply Chain Management in Practice P14C26 Module
Supply Chain Management in Practice BUSI4332 Module
Supply Chain Planning and Management BUSI4608 Module
Tax Compliance BUSI4361 Module
Taxation in China BUSI4628 Module
Technology and Organisation BUSI2181 Module
Technology and Organisation BUSI2114 Module
Technology and Organisation P12435 Module
Text Analytics in Business BUSI3215 Module
The Consumer Psychology of Brands BUSI2132 Module
The Digital Economy BUSI1073 Module
The Digital Economy P11131 Module
Tourism Marketing and Communication BUSI4327 Module
Tourism Marketing and Communication P14151 Module
Transnational Human Resource Management BUSI4531 Module
Trends in Work and Organisations BUSI2190 Module
Work and Society P11612 Module
Work and Society BUSI1088 Module

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