Browse School

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Academic Community ENGL1029 Module
Academic Community ES1E41 Module
Adaptation and Appropriation ENGLES3007 Module
Adaptation and Appropriation ES3007 Module
Advanced Grammar for Study and the Professions ES2E14 Module
Advanced Grammar for Study and the Professions ENGL2038 Module
Approaches to Language and Linguistics ES4109 Module
Approaches to Language and Linguistics ENGL4198 Module
Approaches to Language and Linguistics ENGL4180 Module
Approaches to Language and Linguistics ES4204 Module
Brain and Language ENGL3086 Module
Brain and Language ES3002 Module
Business and Organisational Communication ENGL4186 Module
Business and Organisational Communication ES4203 Module
Business Communication ES2E17 Module
Business Communication ENGL2039 Module
Communication and Entrepreneurship Research Project ES4202 Module
Communication and Entrepreneurship Research Project ENGL4183 Module
Communication in the Workplace ENGL3089 Module
Communication in the Workplace ES3005 Module
Corpus Linguistics ENGL3088 Module
Corpus Linguistics ES3004 Module
Discourse and Society ES2001 Module
Discourse and Society ENGL2041 Module
Dissertation ENGL3091 Module
Dissertation ES3011 Module
Dissertation ES4999 Module
Dissertation ENGL4175 Module
Dissertation ES3010 Module
Dissertation ENGL3092 Module
Fundamentals in Research Methods ENGL2037 Module
Fundamentals in Research Methods ES2E16 Module
Grammar and Discourse ENGL4188 Module
Grammar and Discourse ES4142 Module
Grammar and Discourse ENGL4190 Module
Grammar and Discourse ES4101 Module
Intercultural Communication ENGL3090 Module
Intercultural Communication ENGL4184 Module
Intercultural Communication ES3006 Module
Intercultural Communication ES4199 Module
Introduction to Drama ES1005 Module
Introduction to Drama ENGL1030 Module
Introduction to English Language Teaching ES3003 Module
Introduction to English Language Teaching ENGL3087 Module
Introduction to Global Psychology and Communications ES2E34 Module
Introduction to Global Psychology and Communications ENGL2043 Module
Introduction to Linguistics ENGL1027 Module
Introduction to Linguistics ES1C02 Module
Investigating English Language: Psycholinguistics ES2E12 Module
Investigating English Language: Psycholinguistics ENGL2036 Module
Language and Context ENGL1025 Module
Language and Context ES1E11 Module
Language and Gender ES4163 Module
Language and Gender ENGL4176 Module
Language Testing and Assessment ES4179 Module
Language Testing and Assessment ENGL4181 Module
Literary Linguistics ES2002 Module
Literary Linguistics ENGL2042 Module
Literary Linguistics ES4151 Module
Literary Linguistics ENGL4172 Module
Modern and Contemporary Literature: 1910-Present ES2003 Module
Modern British Fiction ENGLES3009 Module
Modern British Fiction ES3009 Module
Psycholinguistics 1 Q34D01 Module
Psychology of Language ES4178 Module
Psychology of Language ENGL4187 Module
Research Methods in Applied Linguistics ENGL4196 Module
Research Methods in Applied Linguistics ENGL4182 Module
Research Methods in Applied Linguistics ES4107 Module
Research Methods in Applied Linguistics ES4198 Module
Second Language Learning ES2E19 Module
Second Language Learning ENGL2040 Module
Sociolinguistics ENGL3085 Module
Sociolinguistics ES3001 Module
Sociolinguistics of Work ES4200 Module
Sociolinguistics of Work ENGL4185 Module
Studying Literature ES1E31 Module
Studying Literature ENGL1026 Module
Syllabus Design and Methodology ES4169 Module
Syllabus Design and Methodology ENGL4173 Module
Teaching Language and Literature ENGL4177 Module
Teaching Language and Literature ES4153 Module
Text, Talk and Corpus Analysis ES4180 Module
Text, Talk and Corpus Analysis ENGL4174 Module
The Globalisation of English ENGL4178 Module
The Globalisation of English ES4140 Module
The Influence of English ES1C04 Module
The Influence of English ENGL1028 Module
Victorian and fin de siecle Literature ES2004 Module
World Englishes: East and South-East Asia ES4141 Module
World Englishes: East and South-East Asia ENGL4179 Module
World Literatures in English ES3008 Module
World Literatures in English ENGLES3008 Module

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